Parish Events

Holy Family Justice and Peace Meeting

First Monday of every month at Holy Family, Pensby at 7:30pm. The meeting is open to anyone from either parish who is interested in matters of justice and peace issues.


Churches Together in Heswall Monthly Prayer Breakfast

Second Saturday of every month in the Meeting Room at OLSJ. The morning starts at 8.30 am. Please come along to enjoy a time of prayer, fellowship and a lovely breakfast. Everyone welcome.


Create Arts and Crafts Group

We meet every Monday at the Scout Hut off Marksway Pensby, 10am-12 noon. Painting, knitting, card making etc in fact any type of craft work. We are not a teaching group, we share our skills and enjoy a couple of hours get together. Tea, coffee and biscuits, only £1 per session. If you are interested in joining us, please contact David Johnston


Weekly Stitch Craft Group

We meet in the Meeting Room on Tuesday mornings, 10am – 12.30pm. If you are interested please come along and join us.


Monday Coffee Mornings!

Monday morning teas and coffees, after morning mass, 9:30-10:30am in the Meeting Room at OLSJ. Everyone welcome.


First Monday of Every Month – Julian Meetings

There is a local group that meet on the first Monday of every month at 2pm, at the Friend’s Meeting House, Telegraph Road, Heswall. Julian meetings are for (silent) contemplative prayer and last for no more than an hour, often less. They are open to member of all denominations, and while their orientation is specially Christian, anyone is welcome regardless of creedal affiliation.


Reach Us


Our Lady & St. John

1 Boundary Lane
Heswall, Wirral
CH60 5RP



Holy Family

Pensby Road
Pensby, Wirral
CH61 9PQ




0151 342 6581
Parish Priest:
General Enquiries:
Items for the Weekly Newsletter: