If a rota update is available please email the website team. Click on a heading to view information and click again to close.
Eucharistic Ministers
Visiting Eucharistic Ministers rota
Readers' Rota
The team of readers include a number of volunteers to read at all week-end masses on a rota basis. This is not an onerous task as it only comes round every two months or so. Anyone willing to help would be more than welcome.
Welcome Teams
Refreshment Teams
Children's Liturgy
Saturday Evening Collection Rota
Counting Rota
Altar Servers
Click to view the latest Altar Servers’ Rota.
Perpetual Adoration
Perpetual Adoration takes place Our Lady and St John every Wednesday from 09:30 until 20:30. A rota for all day Adoration has been put into place but more support is needed.
Website Team
The Church website was originally developed by Bernie Hailwood, Victoria Hanlon and Lucy Holgate in 2009. It has been rebranded in 2018 by AnniePea.
If you require any changes or updates to be made to any of the content of the website, please email the Parish Administrator at
Eucharistic Ministers
Their duties are threefold in nature. First, they take Holy Communion to the sick and to the housebound. This covers both those in their own homes and those in residential and nursing homes. Secondly, they assist in the distribution of Holy Communion at all Masses in church. Thirdly, they may be called upon to lead the Eucharistic Service in the rare event that a priest is unavailable to celebrate Mass during the week.
To view the latest Eucharistic Ministers rota, please click here
Readers' Rota
Welcome Teams
Church Flowers
Refreshment Teams
Counting Team
Offertory Procession
To view the latest Offertory Procession rota, please click here.
Bidding Prayers
Church Cleaners Rota
Reach Us
Our Lady & St. John
1 Boundary Lane
Heswall, Wirral
CH60 5RP
Holy Family
Pensby Road
Pensby, Wirral
CH61 9PQ
0151 342 6581
Parish Priest:
General Enquiries:
Items for the Weekly Newsletter: